Monday, July 25, 2005

Supersweet 100s, Day 63

Supersweet 100s Ripening
Originally uploaded by tpl108.
Right on schedule, and perhaps a few days early, the supersweets are starting to ripen. From the first sign of color to actual harvest seems to take only scant few days.

1 comment:

Rich & Jessica said...

well ted, I'm shocked. The tomatoes look pretty good and coming from a person who just spent a week with Jersey tomatoes, I'd say that's a compliment.

I can't believe how much everything has grown, I need to get there in the daylight to check things out.

You wouldn't have a plant called Audrey II or perhaps Kiki II would you? If so, I might wait till winter to come by again (I hope you've seen Little Shop of Horrors).