Friday, July 22, 2005

Yellow Straight-Neck Squash, Day 60

Originally uploaded by tpl108.
Planted just sixty days ago and grown in the "back 40" -- in reality a 20 square foot patch of dirt -- this plant has produced several squash already. A prolific producer, from flower to food seems to take about ten to fourteen days. Recent production has dropped off as several squash succumbed to some sort of rot. The plant seems to be back on track, however, with this latest offering.


Dr. The Bird Man said...

I have a garden too, and in that Garden I am attempting to grow summer squash. I've only been able to harvest 3 squash though cause these damn little yellow beetles with black spots keep eating the the blossoms and the baby squash before they get anywhere near mature. I've tried caynne (sp?) pepper spray, but those little shits seem to like a little spice in their diets. Goodluck.

picturephoto said...

Hey, Conor. Watching bugs eat your squash must really stink. I'm afraid that my neighborhood is too urban or something so we rarely get any bugs or critters.

My big problem is that everything is rotting. It must be too wet here or something. As such, I've only harvest 3 or 4 squash and nothing in the past week or two.